August 21st – 22nd 2016
Stockholm, Sweden
Hurry up, Only few seats are available
August 21st – 22nd 2016
Stockholm, Sweden
Hurry up, Only few seats are available
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Alberto Núñez Feijóo. Presidente Xunta de Galicia.
Valentín Pich Rosell. Presidente del CGE.
Miguel A. Vázquez Taín. Presidente del Consello Galego de Economistas.
Francisco Gracia Herreiz. Presidente EC-CGE.
Salvador Marín Hernández. Presidente de EFAA for SMEs. Director Cátedra EC-CGE.
Miguel A. Crespo Domínguez. Catedrático de Economía Financiera y Contabilidad de la Universidad de Vigo.
9:30 a 10:00Ponente:
Santiago Durán Domínguez. Presidente del ICAC
José Canalejas Couceiro. Miembro del Consejo Directivo de EC-CGE.
10:00 a 10:45Ponentes:
Fernando Cuñado García-Bernalt. Presidente de REC].
Mrs Asmâa Resmouki. IFAC Deputy President.
Paula Franco. Bastonaria OCC.
Benoît Vanderstichelen. Président honoraire. Institut des Experts-comptables et des Conseils fiscaux. Bélgica.
Francisco Gracia Herreiz. Presidente de EC-CGE.
11:15 a 12:45Ponentes:
José Antonio Gonzalo Angulo. Catedrático de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.
Fernando Ruíz Lamas. Coordinador del Comité Científico Profesional de la Universidad de A Coruña.
David Peón Pose. Articulista.
Francisco Javier Martínez García. Vicepresidente de EC-CGE.
12:45 a 14:00Ponentes:
Carlos Mallo Rodríguez. Catedrático de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Beatriz Aibar Guzman. Coordinadora del Comité Científico Profesional de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.
Isabel-María García Sánchez. Articulista.
Lucy Amigo Dobaño. Vicepresidenta 1ª del Consello Galego de Economistas.
16:00 a 17:15Ponentes:
Jorge Castejón González. Director de la Oficina Nacional de Auditoría
Emilio Álvarez. Presidente de REA Auditores-CGE
Bernabé Escobar Pérez. Presidente de Asepuc
Salustiano Velo Sabín. Vicepresidente 2º del Consello Galego de Economistas.
17:30 a 18:45
18:45 a 19:30
Esteban Romero Frías. Presidente ReDigital-CGE.
Javier Mora Gonzálbez. Gerente de XBRL España.
Alberto Clavería Navarrete. Articulista.
Carmen Sampayo David. Vicepresidenta 3ª del Consello Galego de Economistas.
9:00 a 10:15Ponentes:
Juan Carlos Robles Díaz. Presidente REFOR-CGE;
Morten Møller. Network Coordinator Early Warning Europe.
Albertina Paula Monteiro. Articulista
Marcos Antón Renart. Director ejecutivo EC-CGE.
10:15 a 11:30Ponentes:
Elena Arveras. Miembro de la Unidad Corporate reporting, audit and credit rating agencies. Comisión Europea;
Patrick de Cambourg. European Lab PTF-NFRS Chairman
Esther Ortiz Martinez. Miembro Consejo Directivo EC-CGE. Miembro del European Lab PTF-NFRS
Paul Thompson. Director EFAA for SMEs.
Salvador Marín Hernández. Presidente EFAA for SMEs. Director Servicios de Estudios del CGE
12:00 a 13:30
We’re honoured to have 4 amazing industry experts Mike Kus, Jeremy Keith, Robin Christopherson and Sarah Parmenter!
We’re honoured to have 4 amazing industry experts Mike Kus, Jeremy Keith, Robin Christopherson and Sarah Parmenter!
We’re honoured to have 4 amazing industry experts Mike Kus, Jeremy Keith, Robin Christopherson and Sarah Parmenter!
We’re honoured to have 4 amazing industry experts Mike Kus, Jeremy Keith, Robin Christopherson and Sarah Parmenter!
Finding a good hotel can be tricky. So here are some of our favorite hotels nearby event location
Choose your favorite pass for the event.
The map and Contact details are listed within the contact information.You will also receive a confirmation email with location map.
The cost of the hotel accommodation and travel is not included in the event fee. For corporate accommodation rate, please contact us directly.
All payments are processed via PayPal. You may also pay at the time of event. But please reserve your seat by contacting us directly.
All tickets are non-refundable unless the event is cancelled by us, in which case we will always make a full refund.
Event is supported by easily recognisable companies and products which we use everyday.
Fill the form below to get directions to our event location
Level 5, Meet n Party,
Barnhusgatan 7 b,
125 Stockholm, Sweden
Time: 10:30 AM to 3:30 PM
If you have any questions about the event, please contact us directly. We will respond for sure.